Počet nahlášených stížností: | 463 |
Z toho za letošní rok: | 1 |
Stále v řešení: | 3 |
Registroval jsem se v roce 2017 ( někdy v listopadu ) na internetové seznamce žhavé rande. Zaplatil jednou poplatek za dočasné využívání služby. Pak jsem poplatek již nikdy nezaplatil a tuto službu již nikdy nevyužíval.Ke konci srpna 2018 jsem objevil náhodou ve složce spam níže uvedený email ( anglický text ). Nevěnoval jsem mu pozornost.
Dear Sir �áimek,
This is to inform you that we represent the company dateyard AG, Rothusstrasse 23, CH-6331 Hünenberg.
You made use of chargeable services from the online community zhaverande. Your chosen user
name jimis10 and your email address jimis@seznam.cz were recorded by our clients. Our client has
recorded all input data and the IP address of the PC used for the booking in a legally admissible
As you are aware, the offer referred to above is subject to charges. Our client has already
reminded you about paying the agreed membership fees. Unfortunately, you did not react to this
reminder. You therefore still owe the due payment in the amount of EUR 38,71 plus reminder
fees and bank charges. You owe a total sum in the amount of EUR 83,49, including the charges
that arose through our involvement.
We request you to pay the above-mentioned sum in the amount of EUR 83,49 without delay, but
not later than 06.09.2018.
Please use the account information shown below to pay the debt and quote the reference 91118731430
in all payments.
If we do not receive the above-mentioned amount within the time limit, we will have to
recommend our clients to transfer the debt-collection process to a law firm that specialises in
enforcing outstanding debts.
We refer here expressly to the further costs and fees that are inevitably coupled with this.
If you pay the amount owed in full and on time, we will close the matter immediately and file the
Best regards
Fairmount GmbH
Grimmaische Straße 78
04720 Döbeln/Dresden
Telefon: +491805 05 16 65 *
Telefax: +491805 05 16 75 *
* Call charges from landlines 14 ct/min; mobile networks max. 42 ct/min
Bank account:
Postbank AG
IBAN: DE66 7001 0080 0004 0858 08
The fees arise as follows:
0,8 Transaction fee in accordance with No 2300 VV RVG: : 33,75 EUR
Expenses in accordance with No 7002 VV RVG: : 6,75 EUR
0 % VAT in accordance with No 7008 VV RVG: : 0,00 EUR
Total fee : 40,50 EUR
Information on the claim by dateyard AG
Your contract
On 02.11.17 you booked a service contract on zhaverande from the company dateyard AG.
Contracts in the Internet are concluded in the same way as in other business transactions,
namely through two corresponding declarations of intent (offer and acceptance). In a judgment
of 7 November 2001, ref.: VIII ZR 13/01, the Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof)
confirmed that declarations of intent can also be given by clicking with a mouse and contracts
can be concluded in the Internet in this way. By entering your data and clicking the button
"Register / Booking / Confirmation" you explicitly confirmed your order and the inclusion of our
client's terms and conditions as well.
An invoice is dispensable.
You concluded a contract online and usually received an acknowledgement by email. With your
booking, you authorised the company dateyard AG to debit the agreed payment from your account, or
your credit card. It was not possible to debit or charge the amount for reasons that are entirely
your responsibility. It is not necessary to send a separate invoice.
Evidence of use of the online offer.
Send us an email with your particulars and the reference number to collection@fairmount.world. We
will then send you by return an itemised invoice with all the data logged on the booking,
including the IP address of the computer that was used for the booking.
Data abuse
In some cases, data belonging to a third party is used improperly to book an online offer. This is
a criminal offence that our client will prosecute vigorously. Before you claim that data was used
improperly, you must ensure that members of your family or friends did not carry out the
booking with your computer, because the company dateyard AG reports all claimed cases of abuse,
so that the present case of fraud can be brought before the criminal courts. The public
prosecutor is able to detect those responsible for this booking by means of the data on the IP
address that was logged on the booking and also through the email address used for this
Payment of the claim in instalments
In principle, claims must be settled in a single payment and within the deadline that was set, so
that further costs do not arise.
Payment by appropriate instalments may be authorised in exceptional cases. Send an
acceptable instalment payment plan to collection@fairmount.world.
Further information is available at www.fairmount.de
Information in accordance with article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Identity of the responsible company:
Fairmount GmbH, Grimmaische Straße 78, 04720 Döbeln / Dresden
How to contact the data protection officer:
Fairmount GmbH, data protection officer, Grimmaische Straße 78, 04720 Döbeln / Dresden, datenschutzbeauftragter@fairmount.de
Purpose of processing and legal basis:
The data are processed in order to fulfil the contract and in order to prosecute legal actions. An additional purpose that we pursue in processing data is
claims management. In accordance with article 6 para. 1 b GDPR, the data is also processed in order to fulfil a contract with your creditor referred to in
our letter stating our claims since this also includes the payment obligation. Moreover, in accordance with article 6 para. 1.f GDPR, the data must also
be processed to safeguard our legitimate interests or those of a third party. Our legitimate interests relate to the claim against you. Once the outstanding
payment has been made or the collection procedure has been concluded, the data will be processed in fulfilment of records retention obligations stipulated
in law (article 6 para. 1.c GDPR)
Data categories and the origin of the data:
We process the following categories of data: master data, communications data, contractual data, data on claims, where applicable, payment information.
The data in the categories referred to have been provided to us by the creditors referred to in our statement of claims.
As part of collection proceedings, we will forward your data to our client, the creditor referred to in our statement of claims, and possibly to the following
categories of recipients should this be necessary in order to collect the claim: credit agencies, service providers, third party debtors, local residents'
registration offices, the courts, bailiffs, lawyers.
Period of time during which data stored:
After the outstanding claim has been paid or the collection proceedings have ended and after a period of three years has elapsed, we verify whether we
still require your data and whether legal data retention requirements forbid deletion. In this case, your data will be deleted after the legal retention period
has ended. The law normally requires that the data be stored for up to ten years.
Rights of affected persons:
Provided that the conditions stipulated in law apply, you are entitled to the following rights in accordance with articles 15 to 22 GDPR: the right to information,
to correct and delete data, to restrict its processing and the right to transfer data. Article 14 para. 2 c in conjunction with article 21 GDPR also entitles you to
object to processing based on article 6 para. 1f GDPR.
Right to complain to the regulatory authority
In accordance with article 77 GDPR, you are entitled to complain to the regulatory authority if you are of the opinion that your personal data has not been
processed in accordance with the law. The address of the regulatory authority responsible for our company is:
Der Sächsischer Datenschutzbeauftragter, Bernhard-von-Lindenau-Platz 1, 01067 Dresden
Další email jsem měl ve složce spam ze dne 28.8.18 , taky jsem na něj přišel náhodně ke konci srpna 2018. Nereagoval jsem.
Pak přišel další email (7.9.2018 ) , ten už byl ve složce doručené.
Dear Sir �áimek,
Your file is now in the Litigation Department. You had ample opportunity to pay our
client's claim, which now amounts to 101,64 EUR and originates from using the zhaverande
online service, in whole or in instalments. Your behaviour now forces us to
obtain an enforceable instrument against you from the court and then instruct the
bailiff with jurisdiction to levy compulsory execution therewith.
If this is not successful, we shall serve garnishment notices. After a declaration in lieu
of an oath has been made we shall also take further steps. In view of the costs and
unpleasantness these actions will entail for you, we can only urgently appeal to you
again to settle your debts now. You can also still discuss with us a very moderate
payment by instalments and an additional waiver of interest. To do so you have only
to send us an e-mail, fax or letter.
We can only urge you to discharge your obligations immediately or at least offer in
writing to pay reasonable monthly instalments. Please note that we must set a deadline
of 22.09.2018 for the out-of-court settlement of the matter of the debt. You are
asked to adhere to this deadline by all means. Afterwards we will be unable to make
you any further concessions.
Insofar as the currently owed amount is transferred entirely and on time, we can confirm you that
the contract is ended and no further claims brought against you.
Yours sincerely,
Auer Witte Thiel
Bayerstraße 27
D-80335 München
Mail: collection@auerwittethiel.com
Telefax: +49 (0)89/ 59 06 83 145
Bank details for the transfer
Postbank (Giro)
IBAN: DE76 7001 0080 0005 2018 07
Na ten jsem reagoval a poslal odpověď v anglickém jazyce :
Dear Sir,
I have not signed a contract (and did not sign it) and no online services "zhaverande" do not use !
If the company zhaverande did not inform me about the characteristics of the service (in particular about the price and the period when the contract was concluded) or that the information was unclear, incomprehensible or ambiguous, it could have been filled with the signs of a misleading omission which is a prohibited commercial practice. So I turn to my legal lawyers in Switzerland and in the Czech Republic. If your company claims to claim the amount owed by the court, you must first prove that you have properly informed me as a consumer.
I consider your appeal to be irrelevant, and I ask you not to send me any emails or letters by any means. If you do not, I will hand over the matter to the court.
Thank you
Jan Šimek
Dnes ( 10.9. 2018 ) mi přišel další email ...kupodivu v českém jazyce :
Vážení pane �áimek,
i bez podepsání vznikla v daném případě platná smlouva.
Smlouvy mohou být uzavřeny na internetu stejně jako v jiném obchodním styku,
totiž dvěma souhlasnými projevy vůle (návrh a přijetí). Spolkový soudní dvůr
(BGH) již v listopadu 2001 v zásadním rozsudku potvrdil, že projevy vůle mohou
být velmi dobře vyjádřeny také kliknutím myší a smlouvy po internetu mohou být bez
dalšího uzavřeny (BGH, rozsudek ze 7. listopadu 2001, AZ: VIII ZR 13/01).
Vy jste kliknutím myši potvrdili svoji objednávku a přitom rovněž zahrnutí
Všeobecných obchodních podmínek (AGB) mandantky. Jako při hotovostních operacích v
každodenním životě není pro vznik platné smlouvy zapotřebí smluvní listina s
Zaslání zvláštní faktury není nutné ani obvyklé. Uzavřeli jste smlouvu online a
zpravidla také potvrzení obdržíte e-mailem. Při registraci jste naši mandantku
zmocnili, aby dohodnutou odměnu odepsala z Vašeho účtu, resp. zatížila Vaši platební
kartu. Odepsání, resp. zatížení nebylo možné z důvodů, které jsou výlučně v
oblasti Vaší odpovědnosti. Zaslání zvláštní faktury není potřebné.
Proto Vás žádáme, abyste nezaplacenou částku 101,64 EUR uhradili nejpozději k 17.09.2018.
Níže ještě jednou shrnutí všech relevantních platebních údajů:
Majitel účtu: Auer Witte Thiel
Bankovní ústav: Postbank (Giro)
IBAN: DE76 7001 0080 0005 2018 07
Částka: 101,64 EUR
Věc: 31118282050
Doufáme, že platbu ve lhůtě provedete, abychom nemuseli své mandantce
doporučit uplatnění pohledávky soudní cestou. Po obdržení dlužné částky spis
S pozdravem
Auer Witte Thiel
Bayerstraße 27
D-80335 Mnichov
E-mail: kolekce@auerwittethiel.com
Fax: +49 (0)89/ 59 06 83 145
Bankovní spojení:
Německo: Postbank (Giro)
IBAN: DE76 7001 0080 0005 2018 07; BIC: PBNKDEFFXXX
Opravdu nevím jak mám postupovat dále ?!? Můžete mi nějak poradit ?
Registrace na internetové seznamce žhavérande.cz
Potřebuju poradit jak mám nadále postupovat. Co mi doporučíte ?
Děkuji Vám předem
J. Šimek
Tweet |
V případě soudního sporu by společnost musela prokázat, že existuje právní důvod, na základě kterého má právo údajný dluh vymáhat. Vymáhá-li společnost tento údajný dluh prostřednictvím inkasních agentur, nemají tyto inkasní agentury žádná speciální oprávnění oproti běžnému věřiteli (například nemohou nařídit exekuci).
Vymáhat dluh prostřednictvím exekutora je možné pouze v případě, pokud k tomu existuje exekuční titul, např. bylo-li o dluhu rozhodnuto v soudním řízení a rozhodnutí soudu nabylo vykonatelnosti.
Pokud však spotřebitel uzavřel se společností smlouvu o poskytování placených služeb, pak je nutné takovou smlouvu řádně ukončit, a to výpovědí. Výpověď doporučujeme zaslat na e-mail adresu poskytovatele: support@datehelpdesk.com. Více informací o této problematice je možné vyhledat na webové adrese https://www.dtest.cz/clanek-5829/hledani-dokonaleho-protejsku-vas-muze-prijit-draho.
Pokud by společnost záměrně znemožňovala vypovězení smlouvy, nemůže se dožadovat toho, že právní vztah nebyl ze strany spotřebitele řádně ukončen. Zkracuje-li společnost spotřebitele na jeho právech, k takovému jednání se nepřihlíží a jde to k tíži společnosti.
Pokud spotřebitel výpověď smlouvy zaslal společnosti prokazatelnou formou, popřípadě se pokoušel zaslat (např. formou uváděné emailové adresy nebo faxu), ale z důvodů na straně podnikatele to nebylo umožněno, stačí společnosti prokázat snahu o včasné a řádné vypovězení smlouvy.
Vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná o zahraniční subjekt se sídlem ve Švýcarsku mimo Evropskou Unii, nelze kontaktovat Evropské spotřebitelské centrum působící při České obchodní inspekci, nýbrž dozorový orgán přímo v zemi sídla provozovatele.
Společnost byla o podané stížnosti informována, bohužel však dosud neprojevila zájem se k případu vyjádřit. Vzhledem k tomu, že služba VašeStížnosti.cz funguje na principu oboustranné dobrovolnosti, jsme nuceni stížnost uzavřít.
V případě potřeby další konzultace se spotřebitel může obrátit na naši poradnu na telefonní lince 299 149 009.