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#27426Vyjádření Federal Department of Economic Affairs k Viagogo AG

Stav stížnosti


Celková doba trvání

9 dnů 1 hodina

Detail stížnosti

29.10.2018, před 6 lety

Pavla Hrníčková

Znění stížnosti

Dobrý den, nelenila jsem a napsala na Federal Department of Economic Affairs,.

Dole přikládám jejich vyjádření.

Thank you for your message concerning the company Viagogo. The named company is known to our government agency as we have already received several complaints against their practices.

Viagogo is not an official ticket office but a website for ticket reselling. According to the terms and conditions of Viagogo, they only grant a refund for tickets, which have not been delivered or in case access to an event is not granted. However, Viagogo does not compensate its customers for travelling costs, hotel reservations, etc. and does not refund tickets if the event has been postponed to another date.

Based on the Federal Act against Unfair Competition, our government agency has taken the appropriate measures in order for Viagogo to change their business practices and to inform about their services and prices in a transparent manner.

Link to our press release “Civil actions against Luxstyle and Viagogo”: https://www.seco.admin.ch/seco/en/home/seco/nsb-news/medienmitteilungen-2017.msg-id-68311.html

Unfortunately, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO is neither entitled to act on behalf of individual complaints or private litigation nor to ask a refund of already paid money amounts. However, your complaint has been registered in our data base and is hopefully going to help proving a violation of collective interests of consumers.

We regret not being of greater assistance in this matter.

Kind regards

Federal Department of Economic Affairs,

Education and Research EAER

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

Secretariat for Legal Affairs

Holzikofenweg 36

CH-3003 Bern



Požadované řešení

pravdepodobene neresitelne.


Máte za to, že je obsah této stížnosti nezákonný, nebo neslučitelný s našimi smluvními podmínkami? Takový obsah můžete nahlásit zde.

Vyjádření dTestu

30.10.2018 18:53, před 6 lety

Děkujeme spotřebitelce za zaslání vyjádření dozorového orgánu. Toto vyjádření bude publikováno na stránce VašeStížnosti.cz

Máte za to, že je obsah tohoto vyjádření nezákonný, nebo neslučitelný s našimi smluvními podmínkami? Takový obsah můžete nahlásit zde.