Počet nahlášených stížností: | 1233 |
Z toho za letošní rok: | 3 |
Stále v řešení: | 14 |
That's a really bad company to receive any kind of orders. They do not receive it on time. I highly recommend the person who invented this system of delivery to rework on it, cuz the driver can not call the foreign number at all. We r in the 21 century, please rework on ur invention and make it work properly. The second thing is that they do not notify a customer about the time when the package might be delivered. And again a problem with the customer service, the only thing they can do to say hello and how they can help me, but in reality, they do NOT help you.
I didn't receive any call from anyone, cuz I have a foreign number. I wasn't notified that the package is going to be approximately in some hours. I was not satisfied with any of the choices that the help center gave me. They do not work at all.
I called 3 times in these 2 days the only thing I heard from them- It's IMPOSSIBLE.
They proposed to me to go and pick it myself from the depo station, cuz their driver didn't pick up the package so I didn't receive it again, and the station is far away, and I don't have time for it like most of the people would not have as well, its PPL's job to deliver it.
In the help center the last time I called, She lied to me that my package was delivered again twice, but it wasn't, cuz I called 3 hours earlier to find out with her colleague, and I have been told to find it in some station, which is AGAIN far. As I understood she wanted to find the easiest way for them, so they do not work at all and me, I have to go for the package. This is insane.
This company doesn't know how to solve any problem. I do not recommend it at all.
I'm quite sure that none of the managers do read these complaints and help people to be satisfied.
And please if you hire someone, so hire the person who does speak English well, cuz to press the star means to talk in English, as your system says.
Customer service, delivery, system for calling to foreign numbers
Solve the system, so you can call to foreign numbers.
Notify the customers about a delivery, give approximate hours when it might come.
Hire workers, who know English.
Do solve the problem, do not imitate it.
Work on weekends.
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