Počet nahlášených stížností: | 27 |
Z toho za letošní rok: | 0 |
Stále v řešení: | 0 |
I have paid a deposit for two projects, a heat pump and surrounding work, and a photovoltaic power plant (10Kw). In all, the deposit amounted to nearly 600,000Kc. No refund has been received after the 30 day contractual period.
Heating and electrical system
Return of deposited funds.
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If the contractor fails to perform the work within the agreed time, it is in default and the consumer notifies the company that the work has not been performed on time and gives the company a reasonable period of time to perform (which can also be granted by silence).
If the contractor fails to perform the work even within the time limit provided by the consumer, the consumer is entitled to withdraw from the contract pursuant to Section 1978 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code. By withdrawing from the contract, the contract is cancelled from the beginning and the parties are obliged to reimburse each other. The consumer is therefore entitled to a refund of the amount paid by withdrawing from the contract. If the company has performed partially, the consumer may withdraw from the contract only in respect of the unfulfilled balance of the performance.
The company may be called upon to perform (or to return the funds after withdrawal from the contract) by a so-called pre-suit demand. Sending a pre-action notice does not oblige anyone to bring an action in court. However, in the event of success, the party who issued the summons is entitled to compensation for the costs of the proceedings. By sending the summons, the debtor is also notified of the possibility to pay the debt without further court costs. For more information on the requirements of a pre-litigation summons, see www.dtest.cz/clanek-3511/predzalobni-vyzva. At the same time, the consumer may claim statutory interest on late payment [see Section 1970 of the Civil Code (at the rate set by Government Decree No 351/2013 Coll.)].
If the company does not respond to e-mails, it is advisable to choose written communication (preferably by registered letter with delivery note). The letter will be addressed to Energetický Holding Malina a.s., Krakovská 583/9, 11000 Prague.
If the dispute cannot be resolved amicably, the consumer has the option of turning to the out-of-court dispute resolution at the Czech Trade Inspection Authority. This service is free of charge. A link to submit a proposal for out-of-court dispute resolution can be found at https://www.coi.cz/informace-o-adr/.
Žádáme společnost, aby se ke stížnosti vyjádřila. V opačném případě bude stížnost uzavřena.
Společnost byla o podané stížnosti informována, bohužel však dosud neprojevila zájem se k případu vyjádřit. Vzhledem k tomu, že služba VašeStížnosti.cz funguje na principu oboustranné dobrovolnosti, jsme nuceni stížnost uzavřít.
V případě potřeby další právní konzultace se spotřebitel může obrátit na naši poradnu na telefonní lince 299 149 009. Dále může spotřebitel využít možnost mimosoudního řešení spotřebitelských sporů při České obchodní inspekci. Více informaci k uvedené službě lze nalézt na webové adrese www.adr.coi.cz.